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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> Sunrises from 2006 > January 21 2006 1.jpg
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January 21 2006 1.jpg

This is first for me (not the sunrise)

I watched a jet fly over the bay --
amazed at the reflection of the jet stream
in the water.


Nikon D70
1/320s f/9.0 at 18.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Mindy McNaugher23-Jan-2006 04:39
Wow!! Spectacular shot!! Gorgeous! Vote!
Gayle P. Clement22-Jan-2006 23:54
Beautiful color and I love the jet trail. GMV!
David Clunas22-Jan-2006 20:22
Like the clarity of the colours and the swoop of that jet!
Steven Jusczyk22-Jan-2006 08:22
Beautiful shot, nice range of colors.
Guest 22-Jan-2006 04:27
This is really beautiful. Excellent treatment and colors ....... My vote.
pda_pin21-Jan-2006 20:26
Very nice. Great with the diagonal lines.
Jackdad21-Jan-2006 18:47
certainly an impressive reflection
ewa toll21-Jan-2006 17:54
beautyful as allways
Sharon Rogers21-Jan-2006 17:53
fabulous sky!
Gonçalo Fonseca21-Jan-2006 16:15
The jet stream, and it's reflection, are a cool addition to an otherwise wonderfull sunrise photo.