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joanteno | all galleries >> Sunrise from the End of the Street >> sunrises_in_2005 > Plant down the street Feb 8 2005.jpg
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Plant down the street Feb 8 2005.jpg

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX7
1/60s f/4.6 at 14.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 24-Feb-2007 20:23
I love this, its so different and the colors are beautiful!
Gilles Navet20-Nov-2006 12:29
Jolie réflexion
clark langley28-Oct-2006 06:03
Bryan Ramsay16-Oct-2006 03:31
Amazing lighting!!! GMV -BJ
akleja26-Feb-2006 13:28
Great colours! AMazing!
Guest 28-Dec-2005 22:14
This is quite nice, making something beautiful of something we'd rather ignore.
Della Huff20-Oct-2005 22:52
The colors and the reflections are amazing. I don't think I've ever seen a reflection like this!
caveman_lee05-Oct-2005 13:06
very nice ! Both the image and reflection are prefectly captured.
fotabug01-Oct-2005 03:01
Nicely done.
Besati04-Sep-2005 14:35
Awesome scene ... and great reflections too.
ewa toll02-Sep-2005 17:42
very beautiful picture . pollution can also be beautiful ! We learn every day !!
Deepak01-Sep-2005 09:54
Lovely composition and beautiful colours.Voted
George Christakos30-Aug-2005 12:09
Very nice photo. Lovely colors and and great composition.
Clyne03-Jul-2005 23:42
Spectacular colours and composition.
Rochelle Weiss29-Apr-2005 17:11
Beautiful picture. I love the blue and purple colors with the reflection.
Dan Chusid12-Apr-2005 00:55
Very nice photo. Good find!
virginiacoastline16-Feb-2005 02:15
wow . . cool reflection!!
Guest 08-Feb-2005 22:45
Good subject, I love the colours and reflection.
Antonis Sarantos08-Feb-2005 19:41
Very beautyful image, nicely captured!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Feb-2005 18:20
Very nice shot.
SP Merrill08-Feb-2005 16:39
Nice composition!
jude08-Feb-2005 14:37
Very cool pattern the smoke and the reflection of it make in this image.. really nice colors as well
Gayle P. Clement08-Feb-2005 14:13
Beautiful reflection.
markvm08-Feb-2005 13:56
Love the reflection of this photo. Nicely done