Day 24 by Wladimir Fernandes Junior
HAITI N&B by Tveig
De Furcy à Seguin by Otchoa Datcharry
1999 Haiti, Church of the Nazarene Work and Witness Medical Team by Rachel
Team 2 Pignon Haiti-February 2003 by BJ
Stivenson Magloire by hdf_art
Personnalités: - Politques - Historiques - Littéraires - Religieuses - Etc... Archives l'IHAM-CHRD by IHAM- CHRD
Sept 2 e-mail by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
2009 Oct Nov Haiti by Rachel
(click here to see pictures taken by Nancy) by Beulah Chapel Church of the Nazarene
Haiti Trans Air by Chris Doggett
A. Bustillo by hdf_art