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Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter
Name Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter (joined 13-Nov-2005) (pbase supporter)
Username uloo
Location ,Oregon ,USA / Jura,Bern,Switzerland
,Oregon ,USA / Jura,Bern,Switzerland
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View Galleries : Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter has 87 galleries and 2315 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 1540501 times.

View Guestbook : 50 messages. Most recent on 29-May-2014.

Message from Heidi and Ulrich Burkhalter
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Ulrich's profile:
I was born and raised in Switzerland in the Jura mountains. I currently lived in Kentucky USA.
I'm mainly interested in nature, macro, wildlife, landscape, cityscape, outdoors activities, and
travel photography. Like everybody else, I have a dream camera that I dont have............
I started out in October 2005 in digital photography. Before that I used a Pentax SLR 35 mm and I had my own dark room. I love digital I can work on the pictures next to a roaring fire in my fire place. No bad smell in the dark..... But all the good principle of 35mm photography still applies to the tiny digital cameras. My first attempt on these galleries showed me right of the bat that I still need to install my camera on top of a tripod or monopod. Post sharpening does wonder but it is still much better to start out with the most sharp picture. A tripod will slow me down so I will have time to open my eyes and see more. On the 26 of December 2006 my wife Heidi joined me in this gallery.
Heidi's profile:
I was born,raised and lived in Oregon all my life. Will move in 2010, to join my wonderful husband in Kentucky. I've always enjoy taking pictures, started out as a box camera, 110, 35mm, and now own and Pentax K200d. My son claimed my Canon 540. My special interests is macro, candids, motocross, peoples, nature, and cultures.

But our current equipments consist of the following.
-Pentax K-1mII
-Pentax K-3
-Pentax DA18-55
-Pentax DA 16-45 mm
-Pentax DA 55-300 mm PLM
-Pentax DFA 28-105mm
-Sigma 105 mm macro
-Sigma 10-20mm

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