Message from Jeanne Newman
A woman, a mother, a photographer, an advocate by desire and design. My life is reaching a point of definition and time has become more significant as I reflect on where I have been and look forward to imagining where I shall go.
I am fascinated with people and their diversity. I am bored with the predictable; passionate about intellectual challenge.What is before me isn't always what is there. Photography keeps my interest in an unbridled, impassioned grasp and at times the three dimensions give me the most artistic energy. What keeps me happy? The plasticity of sculpture, the power of the written word, the magic of a silver image, the imagined time of well-made film, and the sheer excitement of creating digital imagery...Getting lost by looking is something that amuses me. I seem to do it all the time. The amazing captivators? For me, they are Dorothea Lange,Walker Evans, W. Eugene Smith,Jacob Riis, Minor White, Imogene Cunningham, Henry Moore (please see Adalberto Tiburzi's gallery on Moore's work), Louise Nevelson, my dearest friend and mentor George Lefferts and his teacher, W.H. Auden. I cannot be remiss: I must send a special thank you to a few friends and amazing photographers, Robert Levy, Roy Feldman, Ray Karaman and of course Maestro Adalberto Tiburzi for inviting me to be part of this surprising part of the journey. Con tutto il mio amore!
UPDATE: Please check out my other site:
Thanks to all those at Pbase for the amazing support we all give to each other!
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