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Jim Markowich | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Steven Oz 08-Oct-2013 23:22
Hi Jim and Sandy...

I like to check out your wonderful photographs occasionally... and tonight's trip through Oregon was well-timed because I'm going there towards the end of October for a week. Great to see you both in the photos. And I appreciate the photographic eyes of both of you!

And I know we all miss John and Judith...

-- Steven Oz
Guest 13-Jul-2011 02:07
Thank you for posting Vieques pics! We're considering going next month and didn't know if we'd want to spend a whole week. Now I know that we would! We love insects too. Where did you find an outfitter who rented kayaks for you to use on your own? kimandharris at gmail
Peter 14-Feb-2010 06:55
You both are very accomplished photographers, in particular, but not exclusively in the Macro field (I have only seen but afew and mostly all of your Dragon Flies), they are beautiful well done! I will return.
Joe Weinzettle 10-Sep-2008 15:04
Hey Jim,
Nice photos, really like the thorny Kapok. Give my best to Sandy.
Guest 16-Jun-2007 12:08
Thank you for sharing your work. Had a great time looking at them.
Guest 06-Apr-2007 07:08
Great Gallery
Guest 08-Mar-2007 11:24
Tears to my eyes...almost.
Shimaeic Blunder 27-Dec-2005 03:24
Excellent; those images richochet off my mind like a kopechne in a musty basement!
Guest 08-Apr-2005 22:20
Im from Canary Islands (Spain) im liked so much your point of view of my homeland thanks for your photos and comments..........

JoaquĆ­n Ojeda (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)