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fling 13-Apr-2011 15:03
cccp 04-Feb-2011 07:26
yellow is gone
cccp 04-Feb-2011 07:23
eli 03-Jul-2010 12:00
Dear YNW
I have been watching your work for a while and I really like it
I am a painter and interested in these subjects I've also been to India and took photos of Tibetan monks in order to paint them
I'm wondering if I may use your photos (mostly for inspiration and not one for one) in my work ,ofcourse with a credit of your name
I'll appreciate your quick response
Sincerely yours
Guest 04-Jul-2008 08:43
great galleries..
i like what i can see there..
С¹Ë 05-Apr-2008 15:37
Guest 04-Mar-2007 22:10
mz25-Dec-2006 11:22
Merry Christmas and Happy new year!
Guest 25-Dec-2006 00:36
Merry Christmas Yanan ˆ·. ^ ^
singleMaN 16-Dec-2006 09:49

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grati 15-Dec-2006 12:44
Excellent browsing have the to
studio 14-Dec-2006 13:44
While site keep Good work
fisso 13-Dec-2006 23:37
great site
disney 13-Dec-2006 15:17
great site
taliawe 13-Dec-2006 10:27
While site keep Good work
incid 12-Dec-2006 03:55
While site keep Good work
gratis 11-Dec-2006 08:02
great site
disc 10-Dec-2006 01:23
Beautiful site!
Anna 09-Dec-2006 04:35

Goo 09-Dec-2006 01:31
While site keep Good work
Goo 08-Dec-2006 15:40
Excellent browsing have the to
gratis 08-Dec-2006 10:27
good site
Genry 07-Dec-2006 23:15

gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:57
great site
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:50
Excellent browsing have the to
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:23
great site
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:12
Very interesting.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:11
Good Site .Nice work.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:10
Excellent browsing have the to
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:10
While site keep Good work
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:07
Very interesting.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 05:03
Very interesting.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:49
While site keep Good work
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:40
Excellent browsing have the to
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:39
While site keep Good work
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:34
good site
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:06
Good Site .Nice work.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 03:06
Good Site .Nice work.
gimi 02-Dec-2006 02:52
Beautiful site!
gimi 02-Dec-2006 02:51
Beautiful site!
aste 01-Dec-2006 13:07
While site keep Good work
Jooni 14-Nov-2006 11:02
I enjoyed your page. Keep up the good work! Feel free to visit my page. It\'s cool too.o
adsads 14-Nov-2006 10:34
Beautiful site!
Jimpson 14-Nov-2006 06:05
isdisd 14-Nov-2006 02:33
Good Site .Nice work.
usbusb 13-Nov-2006 20:11
Very interesting.
esaesa 13-Nov-2006 10:01
Excellent browsing have the to
Bill 13-Nov-2006 01:07
Wonderful pages! Keep up the grat work.%
Hillari 12-Nov-2006 18:20
Thank for making this valuable information available to the public.
ricer 12-Nov-2006 18:15
great site
Jimpson 12-Nov-2006 15:01
Lucky to find you, keep on the good workk guys! Best of luck.
Jersey 12-Nov-2006 11:49
Excellent site, added to favorites!!e
Bob 12-Nov-2006 05:13
i love this site.)
Bill 11-Nov-2006 22:47
Wow!!! Good job. Could I take some of yours triks to build my own site?y
Joon 11-Nov-2006 15:05
You have built a good websitee
rcarca 11-Nov-2006 14:32
Beautiful site!
rcarca 11-Nov-2006 14:32
Beautiful site!
rcarca 11-Nov-2006 14:32
Beautiful site!
statstat 11-Nov-2006 08:58
Beautiful site!
Smith 10-Nov-2006 19:31
Looking for information and found it at this great site...e
sagsag 10-Nov-2006 08:43
While site keep Good work
Smith 10-Nov-2006 04:42
This site is really superb!!! Thank you for you work! Good Lucku
Bill 10-Nov-2006 03:15
Hi, all. Nice site...I really like your site ! Good job man.n
taltal 10-Nov-2006 01:16
Excellent browsing have the to
Katie 09-Nov-2006 21:24
Excellent site, added to favorites!!1
ravrav 09-Nov-2006 19:55
Excellent browsing have the to
serseri 09-Nov-2006 14:05
great site
Britney 09-Nov-2006 13:07
vietviet 07-Nov-2006 09:32
good site
ricric 06-Nov-2006 10:15
Beautiful site!
pacipaci 05-Nov-2006 23:59
Very interesting.
vmosmos 05-Nov-2006 18:45
great site
Elza 05-Nov-2006 03:46
You have a wonderful website here. May God rich bless you always.
vatic 04-Nov-2006 15:20
Good Site .Nice work.
bell 04-Nov-2006 09:12
While site keep Good work
assis 03-Nov-2006 19:36
Excellent browsing have the to
matmat 03-Nov-2006 13:29
good site
catcat 03-Nov-2006 08:04
Excellent browsing have the to
atlant 02-Nov-2006 19:35
Very interesting.
catcat 02-Nov-2006 15:49
good site
bell 01-Nov-2006 23:59
great site
Sveta 01-Nov-2006 23:54
Many interesting information on your site - keep up good workl
Elza 01-Nov-2006 11:59
I browse and saw you website and I found it very interesting.Thank you for the good work, greetings
viavia 01-Nov-2006 08:28
Good Site .Nice work.
pippip 31-Oct-2006 21:54
Excellent browsing have the to
pippip 31-Oct-2006 15:51
Beautiful site!
Elza 31-Oct-2006 05:25
Pretty nice site, wants to see much more on it! :)i
Smith 29-Oct-2006 23:42
Fascinating site and well worth the visit. I will be backi
Elizabeth 25-Oct-2006 15:26
A fantastic site, and brilliant effort. A great piece of work.
Jooni 24-Oct-2006 16:30
Excellent web site I will be visiting often4
Jennifer 14-Oct-2006 22:06
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative site. I have learned a lot from your site. Thanks!!
Svetlana 08-Oct-2006 16:09
Interesting web page is, i\'ll see you later one more timel
Bush 05-Oct-2006 18:12
Hi, all. Nice site...I really like your site ! Good job man.m
Jesus 01-Oct-2006 12:15
You have a wonderful website here. May God rich bless you always.u
sesso orale 29-Sep-2006 10:36
great site
sesso orale 28-Sep-2006 11:14
Very interesting.
Katie 27-Sep-2006 00:22
This website is Great! I will recommend you to all my friends. I found so much useful things here. Thank you.
sesso orale 26-Sep-2006 08:46
Very interesting.
Katie 26-Sep-2006 05:25
Great site. I will bookmark for my sons to view as well!!!o
puaro 19-Sep-2006 05:29
Good Site .Nice work.
puaro 18-Sep-2006 20:36
Very interesting.
Nike 18-Sep-2006 00:08

sesso 17-Sep-2006 08:13
While site keep Good work
sesso 16-Sep-2006 14:57
Excellent browsing have the to
adulti 16-Sep-2006 10:34
good site
devid 15-Sep-2006 08:29
While site keep Good work
sesso coppia 15-Sep-2006 03:59
Very interesting.
Geoff 03-Sep-2006 21:10

A very interesting and eclectic collection. We met today at the UCM. I'm glad.

sesso 03-Sep-2006 16:49
Very interesting.
A_Frost 30-Aug-2006 12:45
Thanks for a chance to post here ;-) Wanna download some music for 10cents? Welcome 24/7 365.
John 17-Aug-2006 01:50
spo[3!] 16-Aug-2006 16:54
great site
alex 10-Aug-2006 21:42
HellO! Good site, great!!!
yanan 04-Aug-2006 04:58
hello ,i am Yanan Wang too ^_^
jerome 24-Jul-2006 15:08
creampie 21-Jul-2006 00:02
You can download creampie dvds instantly here for free! Free video, free pix. Try our creampie service. - Creampie for free!
Thanks a lot!!
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realtor - simply the best think in the world.
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Thank You!
xiao hei 16-Jul-2006 04:26
Lao Wang,
i have already taken a holiday. 13-Jul-2006 23:03
Cool site. Thanks:-) Carnival cruise alaska 13-Jul-2006 23:00
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Sehr nützlich, informativ und anschaulich! 04-Jun-2006 12:14
Guter Stil mit Info und Geschmack. Muss schon sagen das nicht viele Seiten im Netz so sind.
Sheena Xin Liu10-Mar-2006 02:35
Surprisingly, it is not my first time to see your pictures. I did recall I visited your album like one month ago. My first impression is that you are a cheerful, shining and vivid girl. I really hope I could be as outgoing as you, but yes, I am more sentimental. Thanks again for dropping me a note and hope to see you around very often.

be well,

Guest 28-Feb-2006 06:23
hi antoinette mulder,i donot where is your first step, beijing? if you bring your dog in there, it's really a big trouble. your pets must be quarantined for 30 days, i donot know how to contact with you,so i left this message, if you need some help, you could email to me,, good luck.
Pic Chick28-Feb-2006 02:50
Thank you for visiting my galleries and your kind comments, I'm glad you enjoyed them! Since you loved the animals so much, I hope you got to see this gallery: I had fun making it. I'm going to look at your pictures now!
Cheers from the other side of Canada!
antoinette mulder 16-Feb-2006 13:31
Hi Lao Wang. What a beautiful pictures you've made. I found your website by searching "Dalian Dogs" because we will move from Curacao/the Netherlands Antilles to Dalian in the near future. We will bring our dog with us and as we know that dogs are not very common in China I try to find some more information about this, f.i. the possibilities to walk with them etc etc. I was very glad to see that there are more and more people with dogs in Dalian so facilities will grow as well (hopefully!).
icgi 09-Jan-2006 12:02
hi, Lao WANG. i'am Xiao Hei. we will look forward meeting!
Please contact with us before you'll arrive in Beijing.
we want to pick up you!
icgi 09-Jan-2006 12:02
hi, Lao WANG. i'am Xiao Hei. we will look forward meeting!
Please contact with us before you'll arrive in Beijing.
we want to pick up you!
Jettone Fan 07-Jan-2006 17:06
Wow!You are amazing!
Occasionally found this link through your MSN messanger.
------An old friend once work together with you for VANKE, Fan Zedong.
Guest 11-Nov-2005 02:24
²»ÒªÐ¦»°ÎÒ°¡ ÎÒµÄÍâÓïºÜ²»ºÃµÄ ËùÒÔûÔÚÕâÀïÌùͼÄØ^o^
ÇÒÇÒ 10-Nov-2005 06:46
ÇÒÇÒ 10-Nov-2005 06:35
Guest 08-Apr-2005 13:31
Hi Yanan!
I visited some of your galleries and found them original, full of life and sensibility.
I'll come back. And I think we'll meet soon, with the photofight group.
David 18-Mar-2005 23:12

Don't stop. Please don't stop.
Peter Chou10-Feb-2005 13:25
Simply love your street and travel work! You have a very unique photographic vision. Do take a look at humble gallery and I appreciate your advice and comments.
Guest 08-Feb-2005 20:01
ÐÂÄê¿ìÀÖ ^_^
Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j07-Feb-2005 08:35
HI Yanan Wang

YNW07-Feb-2005 04:43
Boogier, thank you so much for your encouragement!!!!Really appreciated it!
Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j06-Feb-2005 01:56
Nightstar28-Jan-2005 13:38
¦ü¥G§Ú­Ì³£³ßÅw¥Î¬Û¤ù°O¿ý¥Í¬¡, keep going~~
Yann Pindeler25-Jan-2005 05:30
Thank you for the kind words about my dog, they touched me very deep.
I'll go back and keep an eye on your daily pics : so much vitality ;-)
julia 12-Jan-2005 05:42
reall impressive!!
and like your cats, where are they now? did you bring them to Canada?
Guest 06-Dec-2004 10:14
I like the way u use photos to record yr life, really nice!
Guest 15-Nov-2004 19:30
I really like your photos. nice variety of images.
great work!
Très belle gallerie avec beaucoup de variété
En fantastisk samling, mycket vackert.
Wunderbare Bilder.

mz31-Oct-2004 06:49
just a quick view on your gallery, and totally agree with you, enjoy the life everyday:D
i'll coming again!
black white22-Oct-2004 22:39
Having reviewed your gallery again, I have to say that you have a wonderful album here with carefully chosen images. I especially like the maple leaves one and many more. Keep the good work and ¡K shoot more. :)
missy_gardenwhimsy22-Oct-2004 10:25
Thank you for your lovely comments on my photos, I really appreciate your kind comments! I looked at some of your wonderful pictures this morning and really enjoyed them and I will return often! You are a dear and kind person! Best regards, Missy
black white16-Aug-2004 17:57
I totally agree your motto ¡§Enjoy the life¡¨ /bill
YNW19-Jul-2004 12:20
Thank you so much, Boogier, for your kindly words.
Boogier Chen/½Þ¥Íª¯¾i¿ß±a¤j17-Jul-2004 12:25
